Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nostalgia - First episode ever!

As a way to launch this brand new blog, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about my very first movie experience. Actually, I should say the first film I remember seeing in a movie theatre. Incidentally, this movie can be part of two regular series this blog will host.

The series I'm gonna focus on today is Nostalgia. In this series, I concentrate on movies that I love, not really for their merit or qualities (if they have any) but I love them nonetheless because I saw them during my early years of cinephilia and they kind of shaped the way I see movies nowadays. Some of them are great, some are absolutely terrible, some are just adequate. I will tell you 10 things I love about them and some fun facts.

So, for this first episode, let's talk about a very good if not excellent movie: The Rescuers Down Under (1990).

Or like I knew it then : Bernard et Bianca au Pays des Kangourous (which translates Bernard and Bianca in the land of kangaroos).

Yes, my native language is French. I was born in Brussels, Belgium (see the map on the right). It's a small country north of France, south of the Netherlands. Small as it is, it has great movie multiplexes.

So, in 1990, I was 4 years old. My very first movie experience was a Disney movie. Are you surprised? But because of its "status" in my life, Rescuers Down Under is very special.

Ok, let's get things straight: even if I focus really hard, the only memory of that specific viewing (which exact date I obviously don't remember) is the opening title sequence with the camera travelling fast through the flowered fields (picture above).

But since then, I've seen this movie dozens of times. My father's always been a electronic junkie, so every member of the family (my parents, my sister, myself) had their own TV, VCR, and computer from the time I was 8. And he bought almost all Disney VHS that existed in Europe (doesn't it seem like forever since we've watched a VHS on a VCR?). So, Rescuers Down Under was on the VHS shelf at home. Throughout the years, I've been able to really look into the qualities and the flaws of this movie, and even though it isn't perfect, it's a great piece of entertainment.

Now, I'll tell you 10 things I love about this film (after the Jump)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another movie-related blog?


Hi, everyone!

My name is Ben. I've been a cinephile for as long as I can remember and I've been meaning to create a blog for some time now. But life (and by that, I obviously mean procrastination, lack of time and diminishing interest) has been preventing me from doing it until now. Nothing really big happened in my life that made it possible except the fact that i'm turning 24 and still don't have the faintest idea what I'll do with my life...

Anyway, my cinephilia is better than ever. Inspired by my favorite movie blog and personal site (that's The Film Experience created by Nathaniel Rogers), I've decided it's high time I did some of the things I've always wanted to do, or forever regret it. Furthermore, it's nearly New Year, so take that as a resolution.

Enough babbling, lets' talk business!

What you'll see in this blog :

- movie reviews (duh!)
- lists (I love lists)
- series (Nostalgia, Perfect Scenes, Guilty Pleasure, etc...)
- general thoughts about movies and the movie industry

I hope that some people will in fact read this blog and if you do, please never hesitate to leave a comment. I love comments, I'll read them all and I'll try my best to reply to the majority of them.

Hope you'll enjoy this blog.